Maternity & Midwifery Forum
Midwifery Sector News

“The power midwives have to make a better world, economically and through empowering women, is immense.”

Brydon Williams, Clinical Supervisor for Midwives at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board is also Brydon Williams, midwife, trainer and treasurer for Midwives@Ethiopia. Midwives@Ethiopia sends experienced midwives from the UK to Ethiopia to work with organisations and midwives in Ethiopia.

Brydon told the Wales & South West Maternity & Midwifery Festival about the charity, working across different cultures, the lines that charities have to walk in order to be as effective and as supportive as possible, adapting to practical challenges, appreciating the NHS and the power that midwives have to empower women and change the world.

OUR MUST ATTEND EVENT THIS YEAR: IME (International Maternity Expo)

The Changing World of Maternity
The International Maternity Expo (IME) is a unique new filmed international maternity festival for all healthcare professionals, governments, service providers and suppliers working in maternity around the world.

Register your place here

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