Maternity & Midwifery Forum


Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

MORE THAN BLOOD – Addressing Postpartum Haemorrhage

Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) continues to be a major cause of death globally. In this article Rani Khanna, filmmaker, lecturer and doula, describes the making of the documentary More Than Blood, collaborating with the work of researchers and the medical team leading the E-MOTIVE programme. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MORE THAN BLOOD – Addressing......

Nurse-Midwives in Kenya, Experts in Post-Partum Insertion of IUD: A New Task Shared

Winnie Shena, National Nurses Association of Kenya, Reproductive Health, Kenya Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society, Reproductive Health, Kenya gives a presentation discussing “Nurse-Midwives in Kenya: experts in post-partum insertion of IUD: a new task shared” at the International Maternity Expo 2019. Find out more about International Maternity Expo:
Midwifery Sector News

Optimizing the use of Caesarean Section

In October 2018, The Lancet published an epidemiological report   on global use of caesarean sections – it put the UK figure at just over 26% of all births.  This comes, perhaps not coincidentally, at a time when tokophobia (the extreme fear of birth) seems to be on the rise.......