Maternity & Midwifery Forum

iron deficiency

Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

Reflecting on the previous year in Maternity and Midwifery services

“It’s been a tough, tough year for everybody: and you have made significant and rapid changes to the way you work during the pandemic. It has been relentless and tiring for you.  However you have made a huge contribution to keeping our maternity services safe and keeping our mothers, babies......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

Why do 50% of pregnant mothers lapse from their iron supplements treatment?

During pregnancy, there is an increased need for iron as blood volume increases by 40-50%. During the second and third trimesters, dietary iron requirements can increase to as much as 30mg per day. High dose oral iron is the most recommended form of iron for pregnant women, however 8/10 suffer from the side effects of oral iron. This leads......