Maternity & Midwifery Forum
Conversations around race, racism and ’unconscious bias’
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Conversations around race, racism and ’unconscious bias’

There have been a number of reports over the past year pointing to poor outcomes for black and brown women during pregnancy and childbirth. Benash Nazmeen, Specialist cultural liaison midwife and Illyin Morrison, founder of Mixing up motherhood, discuss the race, rhetoric and “unconscious bias” across maternity services.
They explore issues around how black and brown women experience maternity care.
The discussion also addresses the experiences of black and brown maternity staff and present feedback from cultural competency workshop.

Watch Benash and Illyin’s presentation here:

“The small changes we can make as people will make a big difference to the places we are working in… “

“One of my biggest bug bears from this whole conversation is that we have taken the onus off the professionals onto the women, especially black and brown women who are speaking up, who have been speaking up, they have never stopped speaking up; the issue isn’t whether they speak up but what happens when they do speak up”

Benash Nazmeen, Specialist Cultural Liaison Midwife, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Illiyin Morrison, Founder of Mixing up Motherhood; Midwife; Hypnobirthing teacher and Mum

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