Maternity & Midwifery Forum
Midwifery Sector News

Dogs Trust develop new information leaflet for parents-to-be with dogs

All parents want the best for their baby and many dog owners are understandably confused or worried about how to prepare a pet for their new arrival.

However midwives can play a key role in putting their minds at ease by recommending a new leaflet designed to help parents-to-be feel more confident about the steps they can to take to prepare themselves and their dog for the new arrival.

Developed by Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, the key message of the leaflet is that parents should take the pro-active measures to prepare their dog for the new addition to the household rather than waiting until the baby arrives to start training.

When the new baby arrives, a lot will change for a family’s dog. Their feeding times and walks will often need to be adjusted to a new routine. Parents can help manage their dog’s stress and anxiety by getting them used to lifestyle changes before the baby arrives. Making small changes gradually can make the transition easier.

Download the leaflet here.

Expecting a baby leaflet

Dogs Trust are offering FREE antenatal workshops for parents, offering tips and advice on how to prepare their dog for a new arrival and how to teach their child to interact safely with dogs.

Parents can arrange a Be Dog Smart workshop with their local antenatal or postnatal group by visiting the Dogs Trust website and contacting their local Education Officer.

Also, as a baby grows and becomes increasingly curious of their surroundings, it’s important to ensure the safety of the child and that the dog is not put in any situations that they feel uncomfortable. Therefore, Dogs Trust offer additional Be Dog Smart materials on their website which offer important dog safety advice for all the family. To download, please visit